'' Call Landlord'' is the hardest step.
They sometimes said Ok easily, but some had a lot of complains.
I called many teachers. one was already in Australia. I wondered how much it costs to call there long time. And I found so many unusual things they left. mostly they left jackets or shoes or hanko. but for example, table games, game soft, plates and seasoning, cell phone charger, mini refrigerator, toaster!?, microwave!? X-Box!!?!?.... What were they doing at branch!? hahaha.
I found some familiar name. one was Claver in Hirakata. I called him but his wife answered and i didn't talk to him. other familiar teachers more.
It was weired to say on the phone '' hi, i m a trustee Miho''
It was a bit annoying but nice experience.
So, anyway, back to my 2007 story. now I m trying to find a new job and now, I m almost the last step for one company. I passed resume and reports, tomorrow I will have job interview in Osaka and they will say passed or failed right away. If I will be able to pass tomorrow, I will go to Tokyo on Friday for Lastest job interview!!! very nervous. I really wanna get this job. even if I can't, I really wanna decide next job in this year. to start a good , changed 2008.
my new job I m trying to get it, there is a possibility that I will go to Kobe or Osaka or Tokyo.
Kobe and Osaka , OK. but not Tokyo. I m really interested in living there but I m not ready to do it. I m scared not having friends at all near me. Its nice to be '' Hiruzu-zoku''(people who works or live in Roppongi Hills)though. chotto Kakkoii.
well but I want to be here in Osaka. I gotta get this job first though. day after tomorrow I will know the result. Tomorrow is really important day for my future.
gotta research this company well tonight and prepare what I will say, guess what personnel says.
Good luck myself!!!!
2 件のコメント:
you'll get both jobs.
don't worry about tokyo.
an imo in osaka is an imo in tokyo.
just kidding.
good luck, amiga.
arigatou reklaw.
Today I went to dinner with pregnant Izumi.
don t make fun of IMO ok?