Bye Bye 2007
Yokosuka, Mari's house

We were both really tired but couldnt stop chatting.
Mari had to work from 6am, so she left her apartment's key and let me stay her house alone.
I wake up with her and had beautiful breakfast and said Itterassyai to her, back to sleep.She works at Nursing home.
I woke up and did nothing. read Manga she has, chilling in huge balcony, walked around her neighbourhood. If weather was good, I could see Mt Fuji so beautiful. (raining today....)
She came back home at 4pm.
Her apartment is unbelievably big for herself!!! very very nice apartment.
She said thats because Yokosuka is a country side.
We had so many things to talk to! 7 years blank is big.
It was VERY nice and fun to see her. She drove to Shinyokohama at night.
Thanks Mari!
Tokyo,Job interview.

for Job interview at Shinagawa seaside.
sometimes Tokyo people are so cold. I don t like it. and I thought I have a friend but what a hell, i really don t know sometime.
Its sad that even if I think '' you are my good, best friend''. but then I find out Its my over thinking or mistake.
Well, I arrived at noon with sadness and took 2nd interview, I passed! then from 8 PM, final interview.
until 8PM, I was so bored and so tired.
and I got job! I couldn't believe things are going so fast! I started to getting this job yesterday and I already got this job today.
Its really unusual.
so, actually I m not ready. I didn t think I could get a job in 2007.
plus I gotta go to Tokyo 1 or 2 months next year. It means I only have about a week to stay in Osaka.
bye bye Gamo 4-chome.
When I finished final interview, last train to Osaka was already gone, so I went to Yokosuka, Kanagawa to stay my friend's house.
She drove to Yokohama to drive home. It was long, nice drive.
I haven't seen her since We graduated high school. 7years!!!
nice to see her again.

1st Job Interview
Today was just 1st interview.

'' Call Landlord'' is the hardest step.
They sometimes said Ok easily, but some had a lot of complains.
I called many teachers. one was already in Australia. I wondered how much it costs to call there long time. And I found so many unusual things they left. mostly they left jackets or shoes or hanko. but for example, table games, game soft, plates and seasoning, cell phone charger, mini refrigerator, toaster!?, microwave!? X-Box!!?!?.... What were they doing at branch!? hahaha.
I found some familiar name. one was Claver in Hirakata. I called him but his wife answered and i didn't talk to him. other familiar teachers more.
It was weired to say on the phone '' hi, i m a trustee Miho''
It was a bit annoying but nice experience.
So, anyway, back to my 2007 story. now I m trying to find a new job and now, I m almost the last step for one company. I passed resume and reports, tomorrow I will have job interview in Osaka and they will say passed or failed right away. If I will be able to pass tomorrow, I will go to Tokyo on Friday for Lastest job interview!!! very nervous. I really wanna get this job. even if I can't, I really wanna decide next job in this year. to start a good , changed 2008.
my new job I m trying to get it, there is a possibility that I will go to Kobe or Osaka or Tokyo.
Kobe and Osaka , OK. but not Tokyo. I m really interested in living there but I m not ready to do it. I m scared not having friends at all near me. Its nice to be '' Hiruzu-zoku''(people who works or live in Roppongi Hills)though. chotto Kakkoii.
well but I want to be here in Osaka. I gotta get this job first though. day after tomorrow I will know the result. Tomorrow is really important day for my future.
gotta research this company well tonight and prepare what I will say, guess what personnel says.
Good luck myself!!!!
I need it. Its December, the party month.
Jim and Nam
What a fun Night
Its a Friday night. TGIF! time to have fun!
......It has been a LOOOOOOOONG time ...
2weeks ago, Reimi, my best friend, and I sent some blank mails to many of our friends who we didn't keep in touch since we graduated.
sadly, almost all friends already changed their email addresses and we found out that we don t even know how to contact them anymore..
But Satoshi, He is the one who replied that mail.
Anyway, tonight, We planed to meet at Umeda after a graduation of 3 years.
Eri, Satoshi, Reimi and I. So excited to see them!
Time went really really really first!!
Eri is another one of my classmate and one of the most beautiful girls ive ever met. I couldn't stop staring at her. haha.
We had dinner at RENTA at 9PM.
we talked so many things. I found out some classmates already got married and have child.
about friends..what they did in class, what are they doing now...
about teachers.. who were there, are they still in uni?(Reimi is still a student !She failed to pass on to the next grade 3 years! lol. That's her though. she is so fun.)
about memories... school festival, camp trip which was just awesome and so on..
about girlfriend boyfriend. it was kinda funny that we all don t have girl/boyfriend right now.
haha. Its before Christmas!! but what a hell, We are friends. that's great ! I m very happy.
and at the same time feel very sad to leave Osaka.
Eri had to go home to catch last train.
fun time goes really first.really. When I saw my watch, It was already 4 AM.
Izakaya staff wanted us to leave so we went to another Izakaya.
We couldn't stop laughing and We regret that we didn't meet 3 years. we should ve keep in touch! but well, now we are here having fun together again. thank that blank mail!
outside was freaking cold but It really didnt matter.
we drunk few drinks in next Izakaya and It was alreay a time for first train.
but we all still Genki and didnt wanna go home.
so went to Karaoke at 6 in a morning.
Karaoke was very fun too! old friends, old songs, nice dance(Ehime style).
When we went outside,morning sunshine was very bright.
blue sky, nice friends, good time.
I really thank this night. We promised and decided to keep in touch of course from now. and We will try to collect all another friends who don t keep in touch.
That's gonna be great if ALL classmates will gather again!
Love you guys!!!!!
Sayonara Toishi chan
Adam's Place
Tachinomi Kyobashi
Please don t call me ***** anymore..
Walker , Muzz and I went to Kyobashi Tachinomiya.
I wish good luck for Walker 's next year big project! haha. kidding.
I didn't notice when I was there but I was drunk.
after I went home I sent stupid emails to one of my friends.
sorry about that.
Tomoko and JUNIOR!
Saeko, Andrew and Wendy's Sayonara
Kyoto Arashiyama with NAM chan
Dylan& Ai chan's farewell Party
and some other South Osaka branches's parties.
I worked at NOVA Otori branch few months and I met him.
Party was at Nagai(this place has Nagai Studium which World championships in Athletics was held this year), small dirty Izakaya. Aichan and Dylan will go to Australia together soon.
It was cool place.
and I was happy to see all teachers and Staff I met while I was in Otori.
Long time no see guys! happy to see you again!
Nagai was kinda far from my house so I had to leave before it finished. I was really fucked up and I can t remember all but somehow I went to station and took last loop line train.
I wake up next day and remembered almost nothing. Sugoi Hisashiburi to get drunk so bad...but somehow I rode bicycle to home.... Kowai....
I remember that I was very happy, so maybe Its all ok.
It was nice to see especially Jim, Wally and Fern. We worked together in Otori.